DP World Distributes Food Baskets to 9,000 Families in Somaliland

Dubai, 6 May 2020, (Haatuf) – To mark the start of the holy month of Ramadan, DP world Berbera is organizing its largest ever distribution of food baskets across Somaliland. That will reach 9,000 families. For exceeding the scale of previous year. DP world berbera is going above and beyond to make sure the baskets reach families all over the country. The distribution has started and it expected to take around ten days to complete, his excellency the president of Somaliland Muse Bixi Cabdii, has nominated Faysal, Chairman of the National Drought Committee, to coordinate with the management and staff of DP World berbera in their logistical and distribution plans.

From Cerigabo in the east of the country to Boorama in the west, the food baskets are currently being distributed to families across as the major population centers of Somaliland, including Lasanood, Caynabo, Burco Gabiley, Saylac, Berbera and the capital Hargeisa.
DP world Berbera CEO, Supachia Wattanaveerachia, said “at DP world we have been working timelessly over the past weeks, in close cooperation with out headquarters in Dubai, to support Somaliland in the face of the global onslaught from COVID-19 we have provided emergenciy vertilators, protective equipment for medical staff, critical phamacouts and essential testing kits, furthermore by carefully protecting our own staff, we also made sure that essential goods can flow through the port at all times and can be delivered reliable and promptly wherever they are needed”
The food baskets are for consumption after dusk at special family “other meals, the baskets include dates traditional used to break the fast.
“In same with our community engagement at DP World, the special initiative with food baskets during the holy month allows to reach out right across Somaliland, for beyond our local community in Berbera. All our communities in Somaliland deserve constant support, as they are all playing a key role in the country development. The current health crises is a particularly challenging time, and the precautionary measures required have led us to this year’s massive Ramadan baskets distribution efforts, Ramadan allows us all a chance to reconnect with our closet family members to break our last together.
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